A Bird in the Air or a Nest in the Hair?

Pastoral Care for Adults Expressing a Sexual Attraction to Children but Who Deny Acting on These Thoughts


  • Victor Vieth Zero Abuse Project


When a parishioner informs a pastor of a sexual attraction to children but denies abusing a child, the church is confronted with complex issues of law, theology, child safety, and pastoral care. Since few clergy are trained on this topic, this article provides a literature review of relevant studies. Utilizing this research, and applying lessons from scripture, the author proposes guidelines for pastoral and mental health care for individuals sexually attracted to children. Although child protection must always be the priority of the pastor, there are pathways for addressing the spiritual needs of a person sexually attracted to children without compromising child safety. When properly done, pastoral care may reduce the risk that an individual sexually attracted to children will act on these thoughts.

Author Biography

Victor Vieth, Zero Abuse Project

Chief Program Officer for Education and Research


