The History and Development of Doctrine

Loehe's Posture Toward Nineteenth-Century Theological Trends


  • James Ambrose Lee II Concordia University-Chicago


In nineteenth-century Germany, the study of the history of doctrine became a prominent theological subdiscipline as theologians increasingly turned to critical historical research to express the scientific character of theology and theories of development multiplied across German universities. The debate over doctrinal development was primarily an academic debate prosecuted by university theologians. From his congregation in Neuendettelsau, Wilhelm Loehe constructed his own conception of development. Loehe did not conceptualize doctrinal development as an academic discourse but as the result of the Triune God’s presence within the church. Development was the means through which God brought greater clarity to the church’s theological witness.

Author Biography

James Ambrose Lee II, Concordia University-Chicago

Assistant Professor of Theology


