Unanswered Invitations to the Way of Jesus

Open-Ended Stories in Luke's Travel Narrative (Luke 9:51-19:44)


  • Troy M. Troftgruben Wartburg Theological Seminary


Many parables and teaching interactions in Luke’s Gospel are open-ended. Examples include the Parable of the Good Samaritan and the Parable of the Prodigal Son, both of which end without clarifying how characters respond. Especially in Luke's Travel Narrative (9:51–19:44), Jesus poses unanswered questions and issues teachings about discipleship that remain open, fostering a sense of ongoing dialogue with the call to follow. The lack of closure throughout these stories makes for invitations, to both narrative characters and hearers today, to encounter Jesus’ teachings and to respond to his call.

Author Biography

Troy M. Troftgruben, Wartburg Theological Seminary

Associate Professor of New Testament

William A. and John E. Wagner Chair in Biblical Theology


